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Akustinen kattolevy
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Akustinen kattolevy

The Acoustic Ceiling Baffle is a panel that is hanging on the ceiling vertically in a row. And they can be in different colors and shapes, it is made of dense and porous sound-absorbing board by hot pressing and needle punching of polyester fiber. Its full-frequency sound-absorbing function is very significant

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Tuotteen Kuvaus

1. Product Introduction of Acoustic Ceiling Baffle

Acoustic Ceiling Baffle on paneeli, joka roikkuu katossa pystysuorassa rivissä. Ja ne voivat olla eri värejä ja muotoja, se on valmistettu tiheästä ja huokoisesta ääntä vaimentavasta levystä kuumapuristamalla ja lävistämällä neulasta polyesterikuitua. Sen täystaajuinen äänenvaimennustoiminto on erittäin merkittävä


2. Akustisen kattolevyn määrittely




9mm 12mm


1220x2420mm: n sisällä






Paloa hidastava ja akustinen


3. Delivery and Shipping Service of Acoustic Ceiling Baffle

Qdboss Acoustic Ceiling Baffle is packed in durable cartons, it is safe to be shipped by truck, sea and plane. Qdboss factory is located in the Jiaozhou, Qingdao, only one hour drive to the famous Qingdao Port and Qingdao Jiaodong International Airport. It can save the domestic shipping cost and provide fast and convenient delivery


4. Akustisen katto-ohjauslevyn jatkokäsittely

The finished panel is 2420*1220mm, rectangle shape. We have the blade cutting station and laser cutting machine. And the panel can be cut to different sizes such as 1200x1200, 1200x600, 600x600, 300x300, or in round, hexagon shape, or any irregular shapes.

Neljä reunaa voidaan viistää, liitososat näyttävät luonnollisemmilta seinällä tällä tavalla.

Valkoinen väri voidaan tulostaa myös kuvioilla tai kuvilla, jotta se olisi koristeellisempi.

5 Kuinka akustinen ohjauslevy toimii?

The sound wave propagates in the air and the air particles convert sound energy into heat energy due to vibration and friction. The phenomenon that the sound wave attenuates gradually with the increase of the propagation distance is called air absorption; when the sound wave enters the porous sound-absorbing material, due to the viscous resistance of the air, The vibration and friction between the air and the hole wall make a considerable part of the sound energy converted into heat energy and be absorbed, which is called material sound absorption. 


6 How to Install Acoustic Ceiling Baffle

Simple process as below:

Cut the panel to required size – Install the hanging accessories on the baffle- mark the install point on the ceiling – insert the screw on the ceiling- hanging the baffle 

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