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Polyesterikuitu akustinen levy
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Polyesterikuitu akustinen levy

Polyesterikuitulaudat on valmistettu palamattomasta, mikrohuokoisesta käsitellystä erikoispolyesterikuidusta. Valittavana on useita värejä ja koristeellisia kankaita.

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Tuotteen Kuvaus

1. Product Introduction of Polyester Fiber Acoustic Board

Polyester Fiber Acoustic Boards are made of non-combustible, microporous treated special polyester fiber. There are a variety of colors and patterns of decorative cloth to choose from. As an acoustic material that has been widely used all over the world, it Proven to have excellent sound absorption properties. The product has the characteristics of decoration, heat preservation, flame retardant, environmental protection, light weight, easy processing, stability, impact resistance and easy maintenance. Become the preferred sound-absorbing material for interior decoration.


2. Polyesterikuituakustisen levyn erittely


Polyester Fiber


9mm 12mm








Flame retardant and Acoustic


3 .Polyesterikuituakustisen levyn ominaisuudet

Yksi: Laaja äänenvaimennusspektri Sillä on parempi äänenvaimennusvaikutus matalan, keskitason ja korkean taajuuden melulle. Se pystyy absorboimaan päivittäisen 125–4000 Hz: n melun, lyhentämään jälkikaiunta-aikaa, parantamaan äänen suorituskykyä ja parantamaan puheen selkeyttä.

Two: strong decorativeness Polyester fiber sound-absorbing panels have a variety of surface decorative cloths in different colors to choose from. The facing cloth can also be provided by the customer. And according to the requirements of acoustic decoration or the owner, the material of the facing cloth and frame can be adjusted, so that this product can create a comfortable, quiet, warm and elegant indoor environment, which has both sound absorption and decoration effects.

Kolme: Paloa ja paloa hidastava Palamista hidastava suorituskyky on yksi tärkeimmistä rakennusmateriaalien turvallisuusindikaattoreista. Polyesterikuitujen ääniä vaimentavien paneelien tuotantoprosessissa lisätään Yhdysvalloista tuotua RS-1241-tyyppistä palonsuoja-ainetta, jotta koko tuotteella olisi vahva palonkestävyys.

4 .Applications of Polyester Fiber Acoustic Board

The polyester fiber panel is widely used in the following areas: Cinema, theater, healthcare center, shopping malls, clubs, education room, stadium, home decoration, office, baffle, home theater, meeting room. It can provide a safe, quite and delightful environment for the people inside.

5. Qdboss-akustisen polyesterikuituakustisen levyn etu

Qdboss Acoustic has the patent technology to make the polyester fiber panel flame retardant during production. That’s to say, our panel is flame retardant after production. The performance is as good as the panel made of FR fibers, while the cost is half. Unlike the old socking method, we can arrange the shipment as soon as the production. More environment friends, no smell, not sticker or wet on the surface.


6. Qualification of Polyester Fiber Acoustic Board


Meillä on 7 modernia työpajaa ja tuotantolinja, patenttitekniikalla vakaiden tuotteiden valmistamiseksi. Qdboss valmistaa palamista hidastavaa polyesterikuitua akustista levyä, kangasta käärittyä lasikuitua akustista paneelia, lasikuitua akustista kattoa.

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