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Ylellinen Cinema painettu seinämatto Valmistajat

Qingdao Boss palonsuojatut tekstiilimateriaalit Co, Ltd, perustettu vuonna 2008, joka on yksi Kiinan polyesteri-akustipaneeleista, lasikuitukattoista, akustisista ohjauslevyistä, johtava akustisten materiaalien ja palonkestävien kankaiden toimittaja, jota käytetään arkkitehtuurissa ja teollisuudessa kaikkialla maa. Olemme Pekingin olympiastadionin "Linnunpesä" ja "Vesikuutio" toimittaja.

Kuumat tuotteet

  • Cinema Wall Carpet

    Cinema Wall Carpet

    Flame retardant Cinema Wall Carpets are made by needle punching and other processes to make different fibers interweave and entangle each other to standardize the fabric, so that the fabric is soft, plump, thick, and stiff to achieve different thicknesses to meet the requirements of use. , Trimmed, packaged in rolls.
  • Studio-äänipaneelit


    Many people like to do some acoustic treatment for their studio. Then the Studio Sound Panels are necessary. We produce the polyester fiber panel as the studio sound Panel. It is made of non-combustible, microporous treated special polyester fiber.
  • Fiberglass Acoustic Insulation

    Fiberglass Acoustic Insulation

    QDBOSS Fiberglass Acoustic Insulation uses high quality fiberglass board with different flame retardant fabric. This type of acoustic panel is environmental friendly, widely used, sound absorption, well decorative, easy installation, no dust pollution etc.
  • Kangas kääritty akustinen paneelit

    Kangas kääritty akustinen paneelit

    QDBOSS Fabric Wrapped Acoustic Panels use high quality fiberglass board with different flame retardant fabric. This type of acoustic panel is environmental friendly, widely used, sound absorption, well decorative, easy installation, no dust pollution etc.
  • Polyesterikuituhuopa


    Polyester Fiber Felt is synthesized by high temperature and high pressure by needle punching processing, and the porosity is above 90%.
  • Polyesteriääni


    When people do the Polyester Sound Baffle to the inside a building, not only the walls need to be treated, but also the ceiling.

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